Running the Himalayan Terrain in Nepal

This guest post takes you into the hills of the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal, India, and shows you how to trek or run through the beautiful landscape.

Group of people walking the Himalayan Mountain Terrain

Running is a ferocious sport. It truly demands the perfect synchronization of all your senses to push you further while doing so. In this case, even if one of your senses is not completely functioning, your runs may be lacking perfect technique in a few ways.

But, running is one of the best additions that you will make to your plan to become fitter, and if done the right way, it improves your speed of both walking and jogging while also increasing the distance of your movement.

Pack the right items for this trip!

It is truly a challenge to have a perfect technique for running. This requires a lot of study research, practice, exercises, and running. One has to really train their mind and body to be calm and patient while practicing and letting the body adapt to all the demands of the sport.

However, running while traveling is a major concern for those, who have a habit of running every day and can’t lose on practice. A quick run in a new place may be a little risky and confusing. More often than not when people are in a new place not knowing the demographics of the place, they end up in life-staking situations that may not be very ideal.

This leads to not going out for practice because of the fear of many things. They fear being run over by a truck or a car, the fear that they may encounter unnecessary circumstances or not be able to focus completely on their practice.

Man looking out at the Himalayan Mountain Terrain

If you are traveling to a beautiful Himalayan country like Nepal, trekking is the way to go. The Himalayas are world-famous for having numerous trails to trek and tread on. The mighty Himalayas are the largest mountain ranges in the world.

They have been standing for ages serving as inspiration and a muse to many people, and many artists. We have seen and witnessed her in many books, stories, poems, music, paintings, films, and cinema.

Nepal trekking tours are amazing and serve many enthusiastic people such as adventure sports enthusiasts, yoga enthusiasts, running and marathon enthusiasts, to come to Nepal and experience their desires being taken care of by many organizations in the country. The trekking packages in India are equally fulfilling.

Running in the Himalayan terrain is truly something special. The terrain is very different every few feet and a lot of ups and downs come along the way. This allows you to practice and strengthen your stamina as well as strengthen your legs and other muscles.

Himalayan Mountain Terrain and colorful buildings

And the best part is, if you have even a little bit of an inclination to free-running, the downhill descent of the treks, serves as an amazing trail to give you that adrenaline rush as you free-run down the mountain like the little kids of that place.

Running in these mountainous terrains will train your body and mind in a tougher way and make it resilient as compared to when you try to run in a plain area or on roads or parks. By running in these terrains, you will have trained your body to be strong and reach more of its capabilities.

Running the himalayan terrain

Author Bio :

Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher, and Traveller in India. He organizes 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh and Ayurveda Course in Kerala. Manmohan loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, the Himalayas, and Trekking in India.

*This is a contributed post, all images are owned by,,, and

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