How to Stick to a Fitness Routine While You’re Traveling

This guest post will give you a few pointers on how to stick to a fitness routine while you’re traveling locally or internationally.

woman in yellow long sleeve standing under the sunlight

It can be incredibly hard when you’re at home keeping to a fitness routine, but when you’re abroad and in another mindset while traveling? It feels almost impossible to stick to a fitness routine while you’re traveling!

There’s so much food to try and people to meet that the gym isn’t something that’s going to be constantly on your mind. And when it is, you tend to only feel bad about everything you got up to the night before. Even if you did have the time of your life!

And yet, that doesn’t mean you need to give up on your dreams of having a strong (and beach-ready!) body. Other countries have the same facilities you do at home, streets will always be there to run in, and you are sure to find fitness classes in most major cities as well.

With that in mind, it’s going to be a lot easier to stick to a fitness routine when you’re abroad.  Let’s look at two ways that ways you can stick to a fitness routine when you’re traveling.

Get Buddies to Workout With You

Group of woman walking into a yoga retreat trying a new Fitness Routine While You're Traveling

Yes, when you’re traveling you’re likely with friends and family and you all want to do different things. But when you are trying to get serious about your health, you need to stick to your fitness routine while you’re traveling.

So make sure you make time for yourself and your regime to work out, and invite others along to try it out as well. If you’re all together you can motivate each other.

It is also a lot easier to stick to something when you’ve got moral support. If your friends know how much you value your ability to work even when you’re traveling, they’re going to be a lot more serious about it in return.

Try Different Sports and Activities

Man in a Kayak

When you’re living, vacationing, or working in a different country, there’s going to be different activities for you to get involved in. Instead of going for a run every morning like you would in your own country, why not try a local activity that you cannot try at home?

Speaking of, water sports are quite popular when you’re abroad. Being in water is a great cardio exercise, and it burns double the calories you would compared to being on land, because of the increased resistance in the environment.

The activity can range from going for a dip in the sea when you’re near the beach or just sailing down a river on your own. If water sports interest you, head to to see some of the best options for getting a good arm workout in, when all you have is water around you.

Pack Your Gym Clothes and Gear

anonymous slender female athlete tying shoelaces near sport accessories

One of the most overlooked items when packing for a long trip or vacation, is packing your actual workout clothes. Sure, you have the bathing suit and your hiking gear, but most people forget the basic workout outfit.

Wear your sneakers on the place to save room in your bag and pack at least one workout outfit. This will ensure that you will quit avoiding working out or running while on vacation.

Find the Best Local Professionals

No matter where you are, you’re likely to find good location health professionals that you can trust to help you out when you’re struggling with a health or fitness issue.

Whether it’s a reliable chiropractor, a GP, or a coach to help you reach your fitness goals, finding the right professional to work with can keep you on track, no matter where you’re located.

Don’t know what to pack as a traveling runner? Then this guide here will show you what runners pack when traveling.

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**This is a contributed post, all images are owned by,, and pixabay.

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4 thoughts on “How to Stick to a Fitness Routine While You’re Traveling”

    • This year has been tough to stick to a nutrition plan to say the least, luckily I still get my workouts in!


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