How to Improve Your Travel Mobility As You Age

This post details three ways to improve your travel mobility as you age. It is very important to stay healthy and strong if you want to see all the sites in your new favorite city!

man busy using his laptop

Travel is a fantastic experience and one that we’re all privileged to be able to enjoy, but we must remember that as restorative and nourishing as travel is, it can also take its toll on our bodies and minds. This is because travel can be relatively active.

You can easily walk five miles around a city center just because you’re curious, visiting restaurants, exploring, and shopping. This happens if you walk around an older village with steep walkways. Or if you undergo any purposeful intensive activities while abroad, such as walking up and down a beach (it’s harder to walk on sand), swimming, hiking, and more.

The very act of traveling can wear us out temporarily. This is why it’s so important to make sure you take care of yourself, especially as you age, as our mobility may not be what it once was as we get older and wish to travel with as much bombast as we have already.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few measures you can use to improve and preserve your body mobility while traveling:

Strengthening & Conditioning Exercises

It’s good to exercise as you get older, especially if you plan to travel. Having good core strength can keep your posture properly aligned, while leg exercises can make walking long distances (and carrying way too much luggage) easier to handle.

Improving your lung capacity can also work well, as this means that even when traveling to areas at a higher altitude, it will take less time for you to adapt. Of course, having more cardiovascular energy will also allow you to squeeze more out of your days, which in itself can improve the value for money of your travels.

couple practicing yoga

Recovery & Replenishment

It’s important to recover. Long flights can take a lot out of us, while eating indulgently and drinking can, of course, lead us to feel totally out of sorts if we don’t recover properly. But more than that, it’s important to make sure that you get enough sleep each night.

It might be tempting to do everything you can and only get five hours of sleep a night, but that won’t help you recover and it will add to your sleep debt over time.

Stretching & Self-Care

It’s very important to stretch as much as you can, safely. You may also find that more intensive care needs can help you structure your body more properly over time. For instance, attending Chiropractors for rounds of treatment between your travels can help nurture your body over time, allowing you to feel much better and much more comfortable as you age.

This will also help you undo the damage of sitting, as well as allow you to restore mobility after injuries that you may have sustained. This investment is worth its weight in gold.

With this advice, we hope you can continue to improve your travel mobility as you age.

How to Improve Your Travel Mobility As You Age

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by jetsetandforget,, and

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