5 Tips to Help You Survive This Holiday Season with a Restricted Diet

Heading into the holiday season and being on a restricted diet can be quite challenging. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track.

As it comes up to the holiday season, there will be more chances than ever to enjoy good food and some good cooking. However, when sticking to a strict diet, eating food other people have made can throw your whole system off balance.

Whether you are avoiding certain foods for health reasons or supporting bodily changes, or you need to limit intake for health concerns and allergies, the holiday season can prove tricky when it comes to eating well and avoiding any foods you shouldn’t be eating.

Be Clear With Your Dietary Needs

In the first instance, when you are looking to join people for meals both home-cooked or at a restaurant, you want to be clear, and upfront about what you can and can’t eat before the meal; this gives the hosts or the eatery warning to be able to make changes and accommodations especially in the event of severe allergies.

Pack Your Medication For your Restricted Diet

If you take medication to help you combat reactions or keep symptoms under control while on a restricted diet, you should make sure you have a good supply for emergencies over the holiday period. You can never be certain what you can encounter when joining other people, especially in large groups or organized events.

So making sure you are prepared for any mishaps can serve you well. It might be an idea to carry a fully complete medical card or information on you to alert others to your situation.

Multiple colorful pills

Check Nutrition Labels

This isn’t always possible, but if you are eating home-cooked foods, always ask to check the labels to be aware of what food you are eating. Not just for allergies, but if you are following a restricted diet that helps you enhance your workouts or reduce medical symptoms, you will need to know what to avoid to reduce the risks of flare-ups and unwanted side effects.

Luckily, you can always Google different ingredients if you know where the foods came from or ask the kitchen staff for further information if required.

Bottle of pills and tape measure that you have to take on a restricted diet

Add Supplements While on a Restricted Diet

If there is a chance you are going to be eating foods you wouldn’t normally, or there is a disruption to your usual diet, it can be beneficial to consider adding in supplements to boost your nutrition and give your body what it needs to help you get through the holiday season – visit website here to find out what is available.

If you are an active person, your body will need support to help you make gains and support your fitness journey. A good tip is to start taking supplements a couple of weeks before the celebration to allow your body to get used to them and build up your defenses.

Two people drinking water from plastic bottles

Stay Hydrated

Party season can lead to excess and indulgence, and while no one wants to be the person who ruins the fun, this can be harmful to your health, especially if this goes against your usual dietary choices. Drinking plenty of water can help you stay hydrated and give your body what it needs to support you during this busy time.

It can be an idea to add electrolytes to your water to replenish your body if required, especially if you feel more sluggish or lethargic than usual.

5 Tips to Help You Survive This Holiday Season with a Restricted Diet

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by jetsetandforget, unsplash.com, pexels.com and pixabay.com

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