Staying Fit on the Go: How to Exercise While Traveling

This post details how to stay fit on the go and exercise while traveling and includes 3 tips on how to accomplish your goals.

woman on a pink yoga mat on a rooftop

Traveling is exhilarating! Exploring new places, indulging in delicious cuisines, and soaking in different cultures—it’s a feast for the senses. But amidst all the excitement, it’s easy to neglect our health and fitness routines.

Whether it’s hopping on a plane, embarking on a road trip, or setting sail on a cruise, maintaining an active lifestyle while traveling is not only feasible but also crucial for our well-being. Let’s dive into why staying active on the go matters and how to make it happen, even with limited resources.

Why Stay Active While Traveling?

First things first, why bother with exercise when you’re on the move? Well, there are several compelling reasons:

Traveling can wreak havoc on our bodies, from sitting for prolonged periods during flights or road trips to irregular sleep patterns. Regular exercise boosts our immune system, enhances circulation, and improves mood, helping us stay healthy and energized throughout our travels.

Ever experienced that groggy, disoriented feeling after a long flight? Exercise while traveling can be a game-changer in combating jet lag. It helps regulate our body’s internal clock, making it easier to adjust to new time zones and recover from travel fatigue.

Let’s face it—traveling often involves indulging in local delicacies and culinary delights. By incorporating exercise into your itinerary, you can offset those extra calories and maintain your weight more easily.

Two people riding a bike showing you how to exercise while traveling

Why Is Exercise While Traveling Challenging?

Despite the myriad benefits, many travelers struggle to stay active while on the road. 

Packing bulky exercise equipment is often impractical. Instead, travelers must rely on lightweight options like running shoes or a portable yoga mat.

Navigating unfamiliar surroundings can make it challenging to find suitable places to exercise, such as gyms or safe running routes.

With jam-packed itineraries and sightseeing schedules, finding time for workouts may seem like a daunting task.

Tips for Exercising While Traveling

Fear not! With a bit of creativity and determination, you can stay active wherever your travels take you:

Pack Wisely

Opt for versatile fitness gear that won’t weigh you down, such as lightweight trainers for running or a compact yoga mat for on-the-go workouts. It can be a good idea to get a few yoga or Pilates classes before you go so you’ve got a workout to fall back on. 

For regular travelers, this could even be a potential business idea, giving yoga or Pilates classes on the go. You may need to polish your yoga or Pilates instructor training, but you’ll be pleased to know that an instructor certification may require only 65 hours of training. So, this could be a great way to make money on the go. 

woman doing yoga at sunset on the beach showing you how to exercise while traveling

Make It a Daily Habit

Integrate exercise into your daily routine by choosing active modes of transportation, like walking or cycling, whenever possible. Exploring a new city on foot not only burns calories but also allows you to discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

Get Creative

Can’t find a gym or outdoor space? No problem! Get creative with bodyweight exercises that require minimal equipment, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks. You can do these exercise while traveling virtually anywhere, from your hotel room to a scenic park.

Staying active while traveling doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Besides, it can make a huge difference when you are traveling. Fit travelers still have plenty of energy at the end of the day to tick their trip bucket list! So lace up those running shoes, roll out your yoga mat, and get ready to explore the world one workout at a time!

How to exercise while traveling

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by,, and

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