10 Health Mistakes to Avoid While Traveling

Your health is a vital component that you need to pay attention to, even more so when you go traveling. Whether you travel for a short period, or you are packing up for a year or more, your health should be your top priority. Here are ten health mistakes to avoid while traveling.

woman in an orange bathing suit holding a coconut

Unfortunately, many people will be too excited about their travel and the sights they are going to see, and not give their health a second thought.

This can impact your travels as if you don’t have a good foundation of health or know what to do if there is a problem, it can ruin your experience entirely, and in some cases, mean you have to come home or pay out for expensive medical care.

Having good health will also ensure that you have the energy to do all the things that you want to do, as well as experience joy. Health will impact not only your physical health but also your mental wellbeing

To help you on your journey, here are some of the top health mistakes people make when traveling, so you can avoid them and ensure your travels stay fun and you have the health to do everything that you want to do. 

10 Health Mistakes to Avoid While Traveling

woman surrounded by sunflowers

Not getting a health check before you travel

Not getting a health check from a doctor or medical professional before you go on your travels is a huge mistake. This will mean you don’t know what condition your health is in before you leave, and you cannot be educated on the vaccinations that you will need for the specific locations that you will travel to.

To avoid this mistake, make sure you visit a health professional at least 6 months in advance of your travels, if possible. This will give you time if any medical things come up that you need to deal with, get prescriptions for any medications that you will need, and obtain the right vaccinations. 

Not working on your health before you travel

Being in bad health before you travel is a big mistake. This will put you at a higher risk of becoming ill while you are away, and it will also impact your mental and physical health. Likely, you will not be in the mood to do all the things you set out to do, and you won’t have as much energy as you desire.

To avoid this mistake, you should have a good exercise routine before you go, which you can tailor depending on what you are doing while you travel, to better support you. For example, if you plan to do a lot of hiking, you may work on your cardio as well as strength. 

Not taking important medical documentation

While you may think you are in good health or that nothing bad will happen, it is a mistake not to locate and take important medical documentation on your travels with you. This is easily rectified by speaking to your doctor, obtaining these details before you travel, and keeping them in a safe place along with your passport and other travel documents.

These documents are vital if you have any trouble while you are abroad. If you have a medical emergency or accident, not only will it help you obtain quick medical help, but it will also help the medical professionals know any important information when treating you. This is especially important if you have any allergies, or medical conditions, are on any medication, or have a more complex medical history. 

Pen and Paper to write down health mistakes to avoid while traveling

Not having insurance 

You should always obtain insurance before you travel. When you go abroad, obtaining medical support can often be very expensive, and the medical systems may not work the same way they do in your hometown.

Not obtaining sufficient insurance that covers a range of things, including medical care, is a huge mistake. Make sure you shop around before you travel and have high-quality and trusted insurance cover in place. 

Not conducting research for medical supplies or care

If you find yourself in an emergency when you are traveling, you are not going to have much time to conduct research and find medical support. This could be one of the health mistakes to avoid while traveling.

It can seem a bit mundane to do this research before you travel, especially if you’re traveling on a short vacation, or you are traveling to multiple countries.

Make sure you take time to find out where the closest and most reputable medical centers are from where you are staying and ensure that you have all documentation and cover to be able to be seen by them. You should also find out where you can purchase medical supplies, and what important phone numbers you will need. 

Not indulging in good hygiene practices

Good hygiene practices are important even without traveling. However, when you go away, you are going to come into contact with a variety of other people and germs. Small acts, such as regularly washing your hands, can ensure that you reduce any risks to your health.

Infections can spread very easily, and it is very common to become ill while you are away, especially with the change in water, food, temperature, and other factors.

Two people drinking water from plastic bottles

Not staying hydrated

Not staying hydrated is a dangerous mistake to make. This is bad enough when you are at home, let alone when you are abroad. Staying hydrated will have a huge impact on your health, well-being, energy, mood, and more.

Drinking lots of water, whether you are traveling to a hot climate or not, will ensure you reduce health risks and keep yourself well. 

Not eating nutritious foods

It is easy to relax and not care about the food you are putting in your body when you go away. Regardless of whether you are on a short vacation or you are traveling long term, you mustn’t make the mistake of eating bad and unhealthy foods. This will only lead to you feeling groggy and unwell, lacking in motivation and energy, and putting you more at risk of health issues.

You will not enjoy your holiday if you feel bad about eating unhealthy foods. Instead, you should always opt for less processed options, and where possible, make your food. This will ensure that you can fill your plate with nutritious food, which will positively fuel your travels, make you feel good about yourself, and reduce health risks. 

photo of woman sitting on floor making sure she doesn't make any health mistakes to avoid while traveling

Not exercising regularly

The most important health mistakes to avoid while traveling is to not work out at all while on the road. Exercising releases lots of happy chemicals, which can make you feel good and fill you with lots of energy.

This is the kind of energy that you are going to need to stay well and have the motivation to get out and explore as much as possible while you are away, so you can make the most of it. To avoid this mistake, you should find a local gym or workout center that you can utilize on your travels. You don’t need lots of equipment or a fancy gym. You just need a space with a mat, then you can choose between a dumbbell or kettlebell to use to get your body moving positively. 

Not getting enough rest 

While you might want to make the most of your travels, you will not be able to do so if you burn yourself out. Many people think that they should cram as much as they can in, however, this is a big mistake. You should plan a lot of fun things for yourself, but you should also ensure that you are getting enough rest. Your mind and body will need time to recover, so you can fully enjoy and experience the other activities you have planned.

Traveling is a great thing to do, however, without good health, you may hinder your travels. Follow these top mistakes and avoid them at all costs! 

10 Health Mistakes to avoid while traveling

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by jetsetandforget.com, unsplash.com, pexels.com and pixabay.

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