5 Ways Running Transforms Your Mind and Body

Being a runner for the last few decades, I can confirm that running transforms your mind and body in ways you cannot understand until you become a runner yourself. Here are five ways to change your life through running.

Although the benefits of regular physical activity are well known, only one in every four Americans gets enough exercise. The common excuse used by many people is that of a busy schedule. The truth is, you don’t need to go through an extensive workout routine to enjoy the benefits of exercise.

A simple activity like running can make all the difference. How can a short 5-minute impact your well-being? Here are five compelling ways running can transform your mind and body.

5 Ways Running Transforms Your Mind and Body

Gina running through a garden

Gets the Blood Pumping in all the Right Places

When you run, your blood gets pumping, and your body begins to excrete sweat and adrenaline! You feel a thrill as you push your body to new heights. This is known as a runner’s high, and it has a positive impact on your mental health. Studies have shown that running allows the brain regions responsible for your emotional responses to release natural opiates.

Further studies have shown that high-tempo running is effective in producing endorphins for the brain’s sweet spot. Meanwhile, exercising in groups has also proved effective for endorphin release and it smartens you up.

Do you have a big day ahead? Research states that running is an excellent way of improving your cognitive abilities. Engaging in moderate exercise for 30 minutes is enough to optimize your cognitive skills immediately. Running, on the other hand, can trigger creative thinking over a shorter period.

Researchers also say that the running mechanism in your brain also connects forward movement to the future, which is excellent for boosting your confidence. Meanwhile, the brain part is responsible for memory and learning, and the hippocampus increases.

Improve your mood

A few minutes running on the treadmill or around the neighborhood can do a lot to your mood. For example, health experts have suggested that 30 minutes on the treadmill is beneficial for patients battling depression.

Even people who run slowly showed signs of similar uplifted moods during the American College of Sports Medicine study. Likewise, running and other exercise forms significantly benefit a person’s mood irrespective of the pace and intensity.

Pain relief

If you are dealing with some chronic or mechanical pain, maybe it’s because you haven’t laced up yet. Running has shown to be highly beneficial for persons coping with back pain, with some studies suggesting aerobic exercises as an effective treatment.

Running strengthens your core and helps build more robust spines. However, if your pain intensifies or becomes unbearable, it is advisable to get professional chiropractic care.

woman sleeping to show you how running transforms your mind and body

Improved sleep 

Running at a moderate pace for 30 minutes every day for five days each week can help you sleep better. Good sleep enhances your psychological functioning and maintaining better focus throughout the day.

While experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, this can be almost impossible with today’s work and family pressures.

However, a running habit can help you get the right amount of sleep your brain needs for proper functioning by promoting new blood vessel growth to nourish your brain.

5 Ways Running Transforms Your Mind and Body

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by jetsetandforget, unsplash.com, pexels.com and pixabay.com

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