Nature Adventures Around Niagara Falls

With around 30 million people visiting Niagara Falls each year, it’s fair to say that it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The Falls are over 10,000 years old, and it is impossible to think that before that, the landscape in southern Ontario was only made of ice.

Niagara Falls ariel view

It was only when the glaciers melted that the Niagara River appeared and, shortly afterward, the Falls followed. However, despite being a natural wonder of majestic intensity, Niagara Falls remains an underrated destination.

Too many tourists come only for a quick snapshot – preferably a selfie on a ferry with the waterfall in the background. They are missing out on the relaxing and energizing experience that the region all around the Falls has to offer.

Here’s how to make the most of your visit, after you have of course seen the three falls: The American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls, and the Canadian Horseshoe Falls. And after your visit, you can head south in New York to NYC!

A woman in a bikini with her arms up in front of a waterfall

Go Swimming in the lakes around Niagara Falls

If you’re aiming for a summer break, you should pack your swimsuit and take a look at some of the best beaches all around the Falls. Lakeside Beach, with Port Dalhousie, is one of the most popular Niagara beaches.

Its free parking and delicious ice cream parlors make it a relaxed and friendly place. If you’re traveling with a pet, you’ll love a stop on the Canadian side in the Kawartha Lakes, north of Niagara.

It’s a fully pet-friendly area, and you’ll be pleased to find lodges that let you take your dog into your bedroom. On the American side, you’ll need to head to NY state to get to the pet-friendly beaches and accommodations.

A white and red boat in Michigan lake near Niagara Falls

Try Boat hopping in Michigan

There’s only so far you can go swimming. If you want to explore the American sides of the Great Lakes, have a look at a boat share option by the local boat clubs. You could hop in a boat in Michigan and cross to Wisconsin.

If you can, and if the weather allows, you should stop at the Wisconsin Dells, a waterpark inspired by Mount Olympus, Atlantis, and Noah’s Ark.

But if you prefer a more scenic trip, stay along the narrow peninsula jutting into Lake Michigan: The region’s signature lighthouse look and rugged shorelines are a delight! It might even inspire you to move in, especially if you’re a freelance writer or an artist. The landscapes are passionately inspiring!

Two people in a small boat on a lake with a cloudy, smokey covering to make it look spooky

Take a psychic tour of the Three Sisters Islands

Last, but not least, get a feel for the past on the Three Sisters Islands, which are part of Niagara Falls in New York. The site is accessible from Goat Island. The Islands were named after the three daughters of General Whitney, one of the early settlers of the Falls.

However, the Three Sisters Islands were known by Native Americans before the first European settlers arrived. They are used as a holy place to communicate with He-No. People with a sensitive psyche say they felt their presence when visiting the islands.

There is more to the Niagara Falls than just the three waterfalls. Explore beyond the main attractions and discover a soothing and peaceful environment to recenter your energy.

If you are heading up to Niagara falls, don't just stop to see the falls. You can take a boat cruise through Michigan, or go swimming in the lakes!
*This is a contributed post, all images are owned by and may also contain affiliate links.

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