How To Pack Your Car For a Road Trip Like a Boss

This post details how to pack your car for a road trip that could be around just your country or even the world! Make your trip hassle-free with these easy steps.

Two girls fixing the top of their car luggage to learn how to pack your car

If you’re about to head on a road trip, then there is one thing that you need to do before you get behind the wheel: pack. Packing for a road trip can be difficult if you don’t know what goes where and how best to organize your car. This blog post will give some helpful tips on packing like a boss!

Buy A Car With Suitable Space If You Have The Cash

If you can afford it, buy a car with plenty of space. This will make packing much easier and less stressful. If you have to cram everything into a small car, you’re going to be in for a tough time.

Not only will it be challenging to fit everything in, but the ride will also be uncomfortable. Online car dealers like edmunds are an excellent place to start looking for a travel-worthy vehicle.

Brown leather luggage

Consider Using More Bags Instead Of Fewer Larger Ones

It can be tempting to cram everything into one or two large bags when packing. However, this is not the best way to pack your car. Not only will this take up a lot of space, but it will also be difficult to access what you need when you need it. It’s better to use smaller bags that can easily access and move around.

This will also help to keep your car organized and tidy.

If you’re using more than one bag, make sure that each bag is labeled with what it contains. This will make it easier to find things when you need them. However, if you have an excellent memory, this tip is not for you.

A pair of feet hanging over the roof of a car getting ready for a road trip

Soft Case Bags Are Easier To Pack With

If you’re using a hard and inflexible bag, it can be challenging to pack with. It will take up more space than necessary when packing, which means your car won’t look as neat as possible. This isn’t the case with soft bags, though; they can easily fit into nooks and crannies and don’t take up as much space. Plus, they’re much easier to carry around when full.

When packing your bags, make sure that you fill them to the brim! This will help to keep them in place and stop them from moving around while you’re driving.

A blue suitcase with a brown passport on top near the handle

Pack Bags With Breakable Items At The Top

If you have to carry around breakable items, it’s probably best if they’re not at the very bottom of your car. This is because when your car gets jolted or bumps into things, this can cause these bags to fly everywhere and smash. To avoid this from happening, pack them in between other bigger bags so that they’re not as prone to being damaged.

Pack your heaviest items at the bottom of your car. This will help keep your car more stable while driving and stop it from toppling over when you make a turn or go over a bump in the road.

In conclusion, packing your car is essential. Packing it incorrectly can lead to a messy-looking vehicle, as well as an uncomfortable drive. If you pack the right items in the right spaces and at the correct angles, your car will look neat and tidy. It’ll also be easier to access what you need when you go on a road trip!

How To Pack Your Car For a Road Trip

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by jetsetandforget,, and

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