How To Network as a Blogger and Grow Your Influence

This post details how to network as a blogger, so you can grow your influence. With just a few simple steps, you can be networking with some of the best bloggers in the business!

A woman taking a selfie

Every blogger at one point or another has been encouraged to network and meet other like-minded bloggers. When you are new to the world of blogging, it can be a pretty difficult task to know where to start – after all, where do bloggers go?

Thankfully, it’s not as scary or as mystical as it sounds. Bloggers, in the present day, are treated much the same as any freelance journalist could expect. You have your own media platform and, thus, can expect to be considered for press events…as long as you put yourself forward.

4 Ways to Network as a Blogger

Meeting Bloggers

A group of people working in a office

The best way to meet bloggers is by attending the same places as they do. To do this, you have to; firstly, put yourself forward for events that appeal to your blog’s audience and, secondly, explain the value of coverage you bring to the table. Organisers aren’t going to give away passes for nothing in return.

Finding an event where your favourite bloggers are sure to be is what you need to do. Usually, events will have an area specifically for those with press passes (because for all intents and purposes, you are a member of the press). Here, you can begin to talk and build relationships.

Corporate Gigs

Men and woman in suits having a meeting

As an up and coming travel blogger, you may find yourself attending the odd corporate gig every now and then. Now I know what you are thinking, but they aren’t necessarily as boring as you might think. In fact, some seminars and conferences make for interesting events that you can take a lot from.

These also make for a fantastic means of meeting the right people. Whether you want to establish a relationship with someone who can open doors for you and your blog, talk to someone who can pass on valuable advice or even gain a quick interview (because people love to talk about themselves).

Such events are hosted for the sole purpose of networking and, if you keep an open mind, you might just come away with a lot more than you bargained for.

Sharing Your Travels

Two people smiling in the back of a van with a dog

You became a travel blogger because you love to travel, right? So make sure to share your travels on your blog and on social media. Keen bloggers will interact and engage with your content if you share it on your social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Of course, that works on the precedent that the audience will come to you. Anyone who has been blogging for any period of time will know that isn’t the case.

You have to go to your audience, and the easiest way to do this – if you want to get the attention of fellow bloggers – is by doing the above yourself. Reply to their social posts and slowly build a relationship. This way, you become familiar with one another.


Six people putting thier fists together learning how to network as a blogger

If the opportunity ever presents itself to collaborate with a fellow travel blogger then take up the option. It could be something as small as providing a quote, sending images of your travels or a review. Maybe, it could even involve travelling alongside on a project for both platforms – you will only have this option if you establish a positive relationship.

The blogging community is, by and large, highly supportive of each other and bloggers will generally be more than happy to work with each other…as long as there is value in it for them, of course.

If you have a project that you are working on and feel that it would be better with the input of other parties, simply ask the question. The worst that can happen is that you get rebuffed which, if you are entering the industry, you will encounter a lot of.

Be prepared to make the first move and, with a bit of luck, your travel blogging career will take out off quicker than your next plane ride!

This post details how to network as a blogger, so you can grow your influence. With just a few simple steps, you can be networking with some of the best bloggers in the business!
*This is a contributed post, some images owned by and may also contain affiliate links.

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