Finding Fun Ways To Travel Around A New City

This post details finding fun ways to travel around a new city besides just walking. Grab some skates, a bike, or a rickshaw, and let’s explore!

Man using cell phone next to a bike

Transport is always a big part of traveling. You have to ride in planes, trains, and boats to get to many of the locations around the world, and this only scratches the surface of the time you will spend inside vehicles when you’re on your next adventure.

Once you reach your destination, many of the sights you want to see will be far out of your way. This means that you will need transport around the cities and towns that you visit, and this post is going to show you some of the most exciting options you have to choose from.

Cycling is one of the #1 fun ways to travel

Cycling has been popular in cities across the world for a very long time. Offering an essentially free transport method, bikes are great for those visiting a new place. You can rent bicycles in most cities, with some modern places even having special parking spaces for public bikes like this.

Bikes offer the benefit of seating you much higher than a car, enabling you to see more of your surroundings and making for a better sightseeing experience. Alongside this, though, they also make it incredibly easy to stop and park when you want to see something. Bikes can be comfortable for very long distances when you have a bit of practice.

It’s always worth being very careful while cycling in a place that you don’t know. Roads can often have hidden dangers that only the locals will be able to foresee, and this means that it’s always best to avoid very busy roads unless you are extremely confident on a bike. Of course, you should also be wearing full safety gear and using lights at night.

Man on a escooter finding fun ways to travel


eScooters have exploded as a trend over the last few years. With batteries finally getting small enough to fit into a vehicle like this, many cities have started offering rentals for these vehicles. Traveling at the same speed as cars in city environments, eScooters can get you from A to B in a flash. 

Much like bikes, eScooters can be easily locked up when you want to explore, giving you loads of freedom and enabling you to cover a lot of ground. These vehicles also come with the benefit of being self-powered. This means that you won’t need to get hot and sweaty to use them to travel long distances.

eScooters come with strict rules in many countries. These machines are viewed as something akin to a moped, and this means that you have to have a driving license and helmet to ride them. You may also need to learn some road rules so that you can use the indicators and other features properly.

Skates as a Fun Way To Get Around

Skating has long been a very popular sport across the world, but many people don’t view it as a form of transportation. In flat areas with beaches, rivers, and other long tracks, you can cover a lot of ground while skating without having to refuel or stick to roads. Of course, though, you will need to do some learning before you can ride skates safely.

Safety equipment for skates includes helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads, though some people also choose to wear gloves. Rollerblade socks can keep your feet comfortable for long days of skating, enabling you to keep yourself moving for longer.

You need to be quite fit to be able to keep yourself moving all day with transport like this.

man in black hoodie riding trike

Rikshaw is the most fun way of travel

Rikshaws have long been a popular alternative to taxis in cities like London and Paris. With a person either pulling with their legs or using a bike to transport you, this can be a really fun way to see parts of a city. Of course, it may not be as fast as other options, but this can be quite good when you’re trying to see as much as possible.

The only consideration to make when using this transport method is the license that the operator has. Most countries have bodies in charge of regulating transport like this, and you must choose someone who has the right credentials.

There have been cases where crimes have been committed when people have gotten onto transport like this in cities that they don’t know, making caution well worth it.

A mom and her son taking a picture of a place for airline companies

Taking a Helicopter

As the last idea to consider, it’s time to think about taking to the sky. Seeing a city from above can give you a very unique perspective, allowing you to see things that you couldn’t possibly see from the ground.

Helicopter tours are becoming far more popular than they used to be, and this sort of option is likely to get better and better as electric flying vehicles start to hit the market.

While this option is very fun, it can also be quite costly. You will need to book quite far ahead of time, and this means that you need to plan your trip quite well. Thankfully, this should be nice and easy when you’re trying to make the most of your trip, as you will already be planning your days and making sure that you can see as much as possible.

Finding fun ways to travel is now easier than ever with so many new modes of transportation.

A man holding a bike up in the air looking at snow capped mountains finding fun ways to travel

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of finding fun ways to travel around a new city. This sort of approach to travel can make your journeys far more exciting, giving you the chance to embrace the weird and wonderful transport methods found around the world.

5 fun ways to travel around a new city

*This is a contributed post, all images owned by jetsetandforget, and

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