5 Dehydrated Fruit Snacks to Keep You Energized

This guest post describes five easily packed dehydrated fruit snacks that you can bring with you on short or long trips to keep to energized as you explore new cities.

close up photo of dried banana

Travel can take its toll on you. I know first-hand as I have been traveling around the country with my family for years now.

Every few months, we decide on a place to visit and spend some time there. It is a great way to reboot your mind, body, and soul. With that, one of the most important things that you need to pay extra attention to while traveling is nutrition.

You need instant energy and one that comes in the healthiest form possible. So, what’s better than dehydrated fruits to give you a much-needed boost of energy? Therefore, I keep dehydrated fruits with me whenever I travel. Snacking on these healthy yet delicious snacks is the ideal way to keep my spirits and my energy up.

The best part about dehydrated fruits is that you can prepare them in your food dehydrator mere days before you are set to travel. Once dried properly, you will have a healthy, nutritious, and wholesome snack to munch on whenever you feel hungry while traveling.

Here are my top five dehydrated fruit snacks:

top view of apples and a bowl of dried fruit slices


Did you know that apples can be dehydrated in many forms? Depending on your preference, you can make rings out of apples and dry them, or you can cut them into slices and dry them. You can also sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on them to make a delicious dried snack.

A 1/2 cup serving, of dried apples contains 104 calories and 3.5 grams of fiber. Apple is one of the few dried fruits that are low in calories so if you’re looking for a light snack, this is the one to choose.


Dried apricots are simply delicious and similar to all the fruits in this list, they are vegetarian and vegan-friendly! They contain 156 calories in 1/2 cup serving and come with 4.5 grams of fiber.

You can get your recommended dose of vitamin A, potassium, vitamin E, and more from a single serving of apricots. Just carry a small amount with you, but keep in mind that you don’t end up eating too much as they are packed with calories.

close up photograph of mediterranean fruits as dehydrated fruit snacks

Prunes (Plums)

Dried plums – otherwise known as prunes are a great source of protein, iron, and calories. A single serving of prunes can contain as much as 2.5 grams of protein and 13% of iron along with 223 calories.

Make sure you know and understand that prunes can have a laxative effect and you should consume these in limited quantities to avoid having any unpleasant ‘accidents’ while traveling.

Raisins (Grapes)

Often referred to as a superfood, raisins are rich in fiber and one of the most versatile dry fruits that can be used in anything from cookies and cakes to salads and porridge. A half-cup serving of raisins contains as much as 217 calories and 2.5 grams of fiber.

Raisins are great to carry around when you’re traveling and whenever you need a little ‘pick me up’. Each serving also has 2 grams of protein and it also contains potassium and manganese.


Peaches are great as a source of fiber and calories. A half-cup serving of peaches contains 191 calories and up to 6.5 grams of fiber. You can also get vitamin A and iron from this vegan-friendly snack and they’re a great source of niacin, copper, and potassium.

Peaches are some of the easiest fruits to dehydrate and they taste simply divine. Dried peaches especially concentrate all the flavor in a small package and the taste of these can make you crave more.

Which dehydrated fruit snacks do you like best?

sliced oranges grapefruit and kiwi fruit as a dehydrated fruit snacks

These are only a few examples of dried fruits that can help you to re-energize while traveling. There are so many different types of dried fruits that you can make at home and take with you when you go traveling.

I keep looking for new recipes and ways to dehydrate fruits that will allow me to take something new and unique on my travels.

If you are an avid traveler, make sure you add some dehydrated fruit snacks to your travel items next time.

Remember that store-bought dried food often has a lot of chemicals and preservatives that wreak havoc on your health in the long run.

dehydrated fruit snacks pin

*This guest post was written by Linda, a contributor writer at BookCulinaryVacations.com, who is also a housewife and the Chief Editor at DehydratorBlog.com. She has always been interested in cooking and eating a healthy diet. Linda started her blog to increase awareness about dehydrators and the vast variety of dehydrated foods.

**This is a contributed post, all images are owned by pexels.com and may also contain affiliate links.

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1 thought on “5 Dehydrated Fruit Snacks to Keep You Energized”

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